GITM Unit Rebuilding Order Submission - AMWOL Variant
Your Email Address:
Your Password:
Men to Add:
Batteries to Add:
Unit IDs:

Email address for confirmation of order (optional): 

Each side's War Minister, Treasury Minister, Prime Minister, and Monarch are authorized to rebuild that side's units. Rebuild orders are valid ONLY during peace/truce turns and on the first turn of the second campaigns (not on the first turn of the game).
Enter the number of men and number of batteries you wish to add to the units, and the list of unit IDs to be raised to that strength. For example, if you want 1st through 3rd US Infantry and 9th US Light Artillery to add 1000 men and a battery to their current strength, enter 1000 for Men to Add, 1 for Batteries to Add, and US1IN, US2IN, US3IN, and US9LA for the unit IDs.
Infantry units may not be raised above 1500 men and one battery, cavalry units may not be raised above 1000 men and one battery, artillery may not be raised above 300 men and 3 batteries, and militia may not be raised above 1000 men and no batteries.
  Last modified 7-18-17