The London Times

                                                                          Published by Authority of His Majesty King George



London, England                                                        November  1793                                                    Volume I -Issue 2



    There is a man in Paris pulling the strings.  Events of the past month have this editor scratching his head as to how the powers of Continental Europe can maintain the facade of civility and friendship with his Majesty's Holdings in Hannover.  Was it not just the other day that many of the major powers in Europe were aligned with tiny Hannover against the Saxons and their puppet master.  It now seems that many of these same allies now wish for Hannover's Elector to commit the lives of English Soldiers and Sailors to assist them in dealing with a monster of their own making.  The truth is simply that England has no interest in the war and will not become involved in a conflict with a nation that changes sides faster than the wind in the channel. 

    Throughout the past season, England has endeavored to remain distant from the conflict on the continent since it would not benefit England.  England only becomes involved when the peace of the entire region or England proper is threatened.  An unnamed official in the Prime Minister's Office states that, "British policy has been to intervene to prevent widespread war and escalation from threatening England and other nations."

    This editor offers that some in Europe would do well to watch he who pulleth the strings.  For it is not England and it is certainly not the Russians who, I dare say, enjoy the isolation and security their location offers.  In the very least, it is not they who are rapidly building transports.  A leader Europe needs...  NOT a puppet master.




Office of the Chancellor
The Office of the Chancellor is pleased to announce the engagement of William L. Orange, Duke of Norfolk to Catherine, daughter of Czar
Alexei Aleksandrovich Arakcheiev of Russia. A summer wedding is planned....

King George IV has agreed to be the best man....



    Hannover continues in a state of war with Saxony.  It is the hope of the Times that those brave servants of His Majesty will quickly deal with the Saxon dogs and return to their homes. 


    His Grace, The Duke of Suffolk, granted the Times an interview and offered to discuss matters of late.  His Grace stated that an Royal Navy squadron was in the north Prussian port of Stettin over the last month.  These vessels were under the command of Commodore MacRorie and were in Stettin for the two fold purpose of purchasing supply and witnessing the birth of the Prussian Navy.  Overnight the climate changed and the Commodore thought it best to remove his command from the city in the event that the forts guns turned other than friendly.  Further, the supply that was promised was not made available and the ships of the line under the Commodore's command stood off shore and watched the fledgling Prussian Navy exchange blows with the Russian Navy.  In his report the Commodore indicates that the lone Russian Frigate demasted both Prussian vessels and took one a prize.  The scuppers of the Prussian vessels ran red with blood while the losses on the Russian frigate were comparatively light. 

    His Grace also stated that the Home Fleet was being recalled due to a strategic threat in the area, and that some resources would be sent into the Baltic Sea area to reinforce the Commodores Squadron.  It appears that the war in the Baltic may only broaden and turn nasty as other nations attempt to get their blows in.  Indeed, His Grace indicated that British maritime traffic and shipping interest would be protect at all costs, and that anyone firing on or threatening the shores of England or vessels of his Majesty's Fleet will pray for relief and none shall be found.