WISC Crew Transfer Order Submission
Your Email Address:
Your Password:
Crew to Transfer:
Email address for confirmation:

Enter the number of crew you want to transfer between ships, followed by the ship you want them transferred from, and the ship you want them transferred onto. For example, if you enter "30" into the Crew box, "US1GB" into the "From: " box and "US1IC" into the "Into: " box, then 30 crew will be removed from US1GB and added to US1IC. The ships may be of any types. The two ships must be of the same side. Ships must be in the same tactical location to transfer crew; if no hostile ships are present, then one may be in a harbor or a river mouth and the other in coastal waters.

Each side's Secretary of the Navy, President, and Vice-President are authorized to transfer men between that side's ships. The CO or XO of the ship that is giving up the crew may also submit a transfer order for his ship.

(What follows will be updated:) Ironclads may not be raised above 800 crew and 200 Marines, nor below 70 men. River ironclads may not be raised above 600 crew and 150 Marines, nor below 70 crew. Sloops may not be raised above 250 crew and 25 Marines, nor below 25 crew. TR groups may not be raised below 1 crew per 10 capacity; there is no upper limit on crew on a TR group. If a transfer order would violate these limits, the order is not carried out.

Last updated 7/29/15